Friday, August 30, 2013

EOC Week 8: Legal Questions

1.       What are the basics to start a photography business?
2.       What do I do if I suspect someone is breaking my copyright?
3.       After working with a large company, is the copyright still belong to me even though I have been paid for the gig or do I lose all my rights over my work?
4.       Is the title of my work included in the copyright?
5.       Once it’s online, do I still completely own all copyright over my work or is it legal for other to display it on their website?
6.       Can two or more people own the copyright of a single work?
7.       I’m gathering images in Public Street but a private building happens to be in the background, am I infringing the copyright of the architect or am I violating privet property?
8.       When is a model release necessary? Are there any situations where I don’t need one?
9.       When doing a project for an overseas company, which laws should I follow, and how do I protect myself from any situation that could occur?
10.   How long do I have to copyright my work after it has been created?

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